It's the day. You have your firearm. You have your appropriate ammo. You are alert. You are aware. You are moving with stealth. You have sighted your quarry. The quarry is only vaguely aware of you. You have plenty of time. You can line up your shot. It will be quick. Ethical. Clean. Even surgical. And for your records, it's going to be a trophy.

And you aren't "that guy." The Luke Brewster guy. The one that set the world record with a 320 5/8" antler spread. With a bow.

Nope, you are like me. They guy who sees the multi point buck 20 yards away. While in his car. Armed with a Glock 20, Underwood 180gr XTP rounds. In a residential neighborhood. In a city that believes culling deer to prevent Chronic Wasting Disease is inhumane.

And this deer just looked at me, silently reminding me, "Move along, nothing to see here."